Fabio Mora

Associate Professor in History of Religions.
Founder and chief editor of Eutifrone. Annual bibliography for history of religions (ISSN 1972-6163; 2005-running), and Polifemo's recent studies (ISSN 2421-325X).

Founder and chief editor of Polifemo. Review for History of Religions (ISSN 1825-3113; 2001-running),

Polifemo XXI secolo. A journal for history of religions in the XXI century (ISSN 2421-3128, 2014-running),

of the collection Sintesi e ricerche storico-religiose (31 books, 2013-running).

Author of the annual series Religious historical observatory (ISSN 2531-338X, 2013-running, preceded by Osservatorio storico-religioso, 2008-2012)

and Images of (ISSN 2531-4017, 2013-running).

Author of the multivolume work Iconography of printed Bibles 1475-1900.


Humboldt-Fellow 1992-1994; 2011.
Graduated in Genoa, Milan (Catholic University), Bologna.
Research activities in Lausanne, Leuven, Zürich, Rome, Tübingen.
Pupil of U. Bianchi, studied also with M. Sordi, P. Lévêque, W. Burkert and B. Gladigow.



Iconography of printed Bibles 1475-1900

F. Mora, Iconography of printed Bibles 1475-1900 Colour images from Bereshit and Noach, Charleston 2015
F. Mora, Iconography of printed Bibles 1475-1900 Images from Noach, Charleston 2015
F. Mora, Iconography of printed Bibles 1475-1900 Images from Bereshit II, Charleston 2015
F. Mora, Iconography of printed Bibles 1475-1900 Images from Bereshit I, Charleston 2015


Religious historical observatory


F. Mora, Religious historical observatory 2015, Charleston 2016

F. Mora, Religious historical observatory 2014, Charleston 2015

F. Mora, Religious historical observatory 2013, Charleston 2014

F. Mora, Osservatorio storico-religioso 2012, Charleston 2013
F. Mora, Osservatorio storico-religioso 2011, Messina 2012 (Charleston 2014)
F. Mora, Osservatorio storico-religioso 2010, Messina 2011 (Charleston 2014)
F. Mora, Osservatori storico-religiosi 2008 e 2009, Charleston 2014

Images of

F. Mora, Images of 2016, Charleston 2017
F. Mora, Images of 2015, Charleston 2016
F. Mora, Images of 2014, Charleston 2015
F. Mora, Images of 2013, Charleston 2015

Uses of the Bible

F. Mora, Usi della Bibbia: una prima sintesi, Charleston 2014 tr.ingl. F. Mora, Uses of the Bible: a starting point, Charleston 2015
F. Mora, Usi della Bibbia VI: Lezionari anglicani 1549-1949, Messina 2013 tr.ingl. Uses of the Bible VI Anglican lectionaries 1549-1949, Charleston 2015
F. Mora, Usi della Bibbia V: Die täglichen Losungen dei fratelli moravi, Messina 2012
F. Mora, Usi della Bibbia: la Bibellese der Oekumenischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Messina 2011 tr.ingl. Uses of the Bible I: the Bibellese der Oekumenischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Charleston 2015


Other books

F. Mora, Biblical iconography in new media I: Iconography of Protogenesis in movies, Charleston 2016

F. Mora, Biblical icons in the XXI century, Charleston 2016

F. Mora, Religioni del nostro tempo: I. Le religioni non cristiane, Charleston 2014
F. Mora, Dèi feste sacerdoti: breve introduzione alle religioni greca romana egizia, Polifemo Supplemento 3, Messina 2005; Seconda edizione ampliata, Charleston 2017

F. Mora, Testi sacri a confronto, Quaderni di Eutifrone 3, Messina 2011; Seconda edizione ampliata, Charleston 2014

F. Mora, Monoteismi a confronto, Quaderni di Eutifrone 2, Messina 2011 [Charleston 2017]
F. Mora, Religione e cultura nell’Europa moderna, Quaderni di Eutifrone 1, Messina 2011 [Charleston 2017]
F. Mora, Tanak, Bibbia e Corano: tre scritture e tre religioni a confronto, Polifemo Supplemento 5, Messina 2008 [Charleston 2017]
F. Mora, Religione e cultura. L’impatto della Riforma, Polifemo Supplemento 1, Messina 2004 [Charleston 2017]

F. Mora, Fasti e schemi cronologici. La riorganizzazione annalistica del passato remoto romano, Historia Einzelschriften 125, Stuttgart 1999
F. Mora, Il Pensiero storico-religioso antico. Autori greci e Roma: I, Dionigi d'Alicarnasso, Roma 1995
F. Mora, Arnobio e i culti di mistero. Analisi storico-religiosa del V libro dell'Adversus Nationes, Roma 1994
F. Mora, Prosopografia Isiaca. I. Corpus Prosopographicum Religionis Isiacae, EPRO 113, Leiden 1990
F. Mora, Prosopografia Isiaca. II. Prosopografia storica e statistica del culto isiaco, EPRO 113, Leiden 1990
F. Mora, Religione e religioni nelle Storie di Erodoto, Milano 1986


Collected essays (1981-2016)


F. Mora, Polytheism. Collected essays, Charleston 2017
F. Mora, Ancient authors and religion. Collected essays, Charleston 2017

F. Mora, Greek and Roman religion. Collected essays, Charleston 2017
F. Mora, Comparative religion. Collected essays, Charleston 2017

F. Mora, Contemporary Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism. Collected essays, Charleston 2017
F. Mora, Contemporary Christianity. Collected essays, Charleston 2017

F. Mora, Contemporary Hagiography. Collected essays, Charleston 2017
F. Mora, Uses of the Bible. Collected essays, Charleston 2017

F. Mora, Biblical icons. Collected essays, Charleston 2017

F. Mora, Christianity. Collected essays, Charleston 2017